9 pieces of land on sale at Muldol, Godawari Nagarpalika-10, Lalitpur.
This land is located 2 kilometer East from Chapagaun. Mohada of this land is 30 feet above. Thus this land is suitable for residential purpose.
These land are availabe for sale from 3 aana to 5 aana.
The road access of this land is : 20 feet gravel road and 13 feet-16 feet gravel road inside land

All the basic facilities such as electricity line, water, drainge, telephone, cable connections are available.
Price of this land is from 8 lakh 50 thousand per aana to 9 lakh per aana and limited negotiable for immediate buyers. Interested buyers can contact to the owner of this land at phone: 9851272925 / 9841302925
Note : price displayed here is for 3 aana at the rate of 9 lakh per aana.
Basic Details
Property Type :Land
Listing Type :For sale
Price :Rs2,700,000
View :RoadLand
Area :3 AAna
Road :Gravelled
Front Mohoda :30 ft
Road Width :20 ft

East Faced Property :Yes
Faced on :West
North Faced Property :Yes
Below 4 aana :Yes
4 – 6 aana :Yes
5-10 lakhs Per aana :Yes
Owner Property :Yes
MapCountry :Nepal
Pradesh :Bagmati
District :LPGau / Nagarpalika :GM
Longitude :E85° 18′ 42”Latitude :N27° 35′ 41.6”